The application is different than conventional back-up tools in the sense that it is only designed to back up program settings. It scans Windows Registry and program directories for the data to save. It also backs up application content from the Documents and Pictures directories.
The application lets you choose the program settings you want to back up, giving you control over the process. It lists the installed programs on the left side of the user interface. Each item on the list has a check box to its left, which you can use to select the ones you want to back up. If you would like to back up all program settings, you can simply click the Select All link instead of clicking each check box.
When you click on an item, you will see its name and description displayed in the middle of the interface while the authors name appears on the right.
CloneApp allows you to create a plug-in if you know how to do so. Alternatively, you may get existing plug-ins. It displays the total number of installed plug-ins and the selected ones on the lower left corner of the application interface.
Once you have selected all the programs whose settings you want to back up, you just need to click the Start Backup button. You may also choose to save the log information.
Link Download | Size : 295.1 KB
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